Australian Cryptocurrency Exchanges that Have Audited Proof of Reserves

Proof of reserves is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to build trust with customers. When customers know that an exchange has the assets it claims to have, they are more likely to use that exchange. Second, providing proof of reserves can help to prevent fraud. If an exchange is caught lying about its holdings, it could face legal penalties. Third, providing proof of reserves can help to improve the reputation of the cryptocurrency industry. When exchanges are transparent about their holdings, it helps to dispel the myths and misconceptions about cryptocurrencies.

CRNCY recently published an article on Proof of Reserves and their lack of accuracy. Proof of reserves is a process by which a cryptocurrency exchange proves that it has the assets it claims to have. This is done by providing a snapshot of the exchange’s holdings, which can be verified by an independent auditor.

Proof of reserves is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to build trust with customers. When customers know that an exchange has the assets it claims to have, they are more likely to use that exchange. Second, providing proof of reserves can help to prevent fraud. If an exchange is caught lying about its holdings, it could face legal penalties. Third, providing proof of reserves can help to improve the reputation of the cryptocurrency industry. When exchanges are transparent about their holdings, it helps to dispel the myths and misconceptions about cryptocurrencies.

However, proof of reserves is not foolproof. There are a number of risks associated with proof of reserves, including:

  • The exchange may not have all of the assets it claims to have.
  • The exchange may have lost or stolen some of its assets.
  • The exchange may have lent out some of its assets to third parties.
  • The exchange may have stored some of its assets on third party platforms, which may not be secure.

For these reasons, it is important to do your research before using a cryptocurrency exchange. Make sure that the exchange is regulated and that it has a good reputation. You should also consider using a cold storage wallet to store your cryptocurrency, rather than leaving it on an exchange.

ExchangeDateHow providedHead office locationOther information
CoinSpotMarch 8, 2023Independent auditMelbourne, AustraliaCoinSpot is one of the oldest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in Australia. It was founded in 2013 and has over 2 million customers.
SwyftxFebruary 25, 2023Independent auditSydney, AustraliaSwyftx is a newer cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2017. It has quickly become one of the most popular exchanges in Australia thanks to its low fees and user-friendly interface.
Independent ReserveJanuary 20, 2023Independent auditSydney, AustraliaIndependent Reserve is one of the oldest and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges in Australia. It was founded in 2013 and is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
CoinJarDecember 15, 2022Independent auditMelbourne, AustraliaCoinJar is one of the oldest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in Australia. It was founded in 2013 and has over 1 million customers.
BTC MarketsNovember 1, 2022Independent auditMelbourne, AustraliaBTC Markets is one of the oldest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in Australia. It was founded in 2013 and is the first cryptocurrency exchange to be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
CointreeSeptember 1, 2022Independent auditSydney, AustraliaCointree is a newer cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2016. It has quickly become one of the most popular exchanges in Australia thanks to its user-friendly interface and low fees.
*Not live and current data.

There are a number of ways that cryptocurrency exchanges can improve the process of providing proof of reserves and be more transparent.

  • Use a trusted auditor. When providing proof of reserves, it is important to use a trusted auditor. This will help to ensure that the audit is conducted fairly and accurately.
  • Provide regular updates. Exchanges should provide regular updates on their holdings. This will help to build trust with customers and ensure that they are aware of any changes in the exchange’s holdings.
  • Be open to feedback. Exchanges should be open to feedback from customers. This will help them to identify any areas where they can improve the process of providing proof of reserves.
  • Use technology to improve transparency. There are a number of technologies that exchanges can use to improve transparency. For example, they can use blockchain technology to track the movement of funds.

By taking these steps, cryptocurrency exchanges can improve the process of providing proof of reserves and be more transparent with their customers. This will help to build trust and confidence in the cryptocurrency industry.

In addition to the above, exchanges can also improve transparency by:

  • Publishing regular reports on their financial performance.
  • Disclosing their ownership structure.
  • Participating in industry initiatives to improve transparency.
  • Responding promptly to customer inquiries.

By taking these steps, exchanges can demonstrate their commitment to transparency and help to build trust with their customers.


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