Australia’s Proposed Crypto Regulation Laws: Impact on Industry, Consumers, and Fallout

The Australian government's proposed crypto regulation laws are likely to have a significant impact on the Australian crypto industry, both positive and negative. The new laws are intended to protect consumers from fraud and scams and create a more transparent and accountable crypto market. However, they could also stifle innovation and lead to higher costs for businesses and consumers.

The Australian government has proposed new crypto regulation laws in an effort to protect consumers and support innovation. The proposed laws would require crypto exchanges and digital asset platforms to obtain an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) and comply with existing financial services laws.

Key Dates

– October 16, 2023: Australian Treasury releases proposal paper on crypto regulation
– December 1, 2023: Deadline for public submissions on proposal paper
– 2024: Draft legislation expected to be released
– 12 months after legislation passes: Crypto exchanges and digital asset platforms will have 12 months to transition to the new regime
Impact on Industry

The new crypto regulation laws are likely to have a significant impact on the Australian crypto industry. Crypto exchanges and digital asset platforms will need to obtain an AFSL and comply with existing financial services laws, which could be costly and time-consuming. Some smaller exchanges may not be able to meet the requirements of the new regime and may be forced to close down.

However, the new laws are also likely to attract new players to the Australian crypto market, such as traditional financial institutions that are already licensed and regulated. This could lead to increased competition and innovation in the Australian crypto industry.

Impact on Consumers

The new crypto regulation laws are intended to protect consumers from fraud and scams. By requiring crypto exchanges and digital asset platforms to obtain an AFSL and comply with existing financial services laws, the government is hoping to create a more transparent and accountable crypto market.

For example, the new laws would require crypto exchanges to segregate customer funds from their own funds, which would help to protect consumers in the event of a hack or insolvency. The laws would also require crypto exchanges to have robust cybersecurity measures in place and to implement fair and reasonable customer dispute resolution procedures.

Potential Fallout

One potential fallout of the new crypto regulation laws is that they could stifle innovation in the Australian crypto industry. The high cost and complexity of obtaining an AFSL could deter new entrants from entering the market. Additionally, the new laws could make it more difficult for Australian crypto businesses to compete with international rivals that are not subject to the same regulatory requirements.

Another potential fallout of the new laws is that they could lead to higher costs for consumers. Crypto exchanges and digital asset platforms are likely to pass on the costs of compliance to their customers in the form of higher fees.

Quotes from the Proposed Legislation

The following are some quotes from the Australian Treasury’s proposal paper on crypto regulation:

“The Australian Government is committed to supporting innovation in the digital asset sector, while also protecting consumers and ensuring financial stability.”
“The proposed reforms will introduce a licensing regime for digital asset service providers, which will help to ensure that they operate in a safe and responsible manner.”
“The proposed reforms will also require digital asset service providers to comply with existing financial services laws, such as those relating to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.”
Potential Costs to Business

The potential costs to business of complying with the new crypto regulation laws will vary depending on the size and complexity of the business. However, some of the costs that businesses may need to factor in include:

– Application fees for an AFSL
– Costs of implementing new compliance procedures and systems
– Costs of hiring and training additional staff to manage compliance
– Costs of increased audit and regulatory reporting requirements

The Australian government’s proposed crypto regulation laws are likely to have a significant impact on the Australian crypto industry, both positive and negative. It is important for businesses and consumers to carefully consider the potential impact of the new laws and to prepare for the changes that are coming.


Australian Treasury proposal paper on crypto regulation:
Draft legislation expected to be released in 2024:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC):


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