Cryptocurrency Exchanges

The Controversial Death of Gerald Cotten: A Cautionary Tale for the Cryptocurrency Industry

Reading Time: 2 min The death of Gerald Cotten, founder and CEO of QuadrigaCX, left the Canadian cryptocurrency exchange in chaos, with customers unable to access their funds and the company facing numerous lawsuits. The lack of transparency surrounding Cotten’s death has led to speculation and conspiracy theories. This case highlights the need for increased regulation and transparency in the cryptocurrency industry.


The Mysterious Death of Autumn Radtke: Unraveling the Conspiracy Theories

Reading Time: 2 min Autumn Radtke, the CEO of First Meta, was found dead in her Singapore apartment in 2014. While the official cause of death was ruled as suicide, her passing has sparked numerous conspiracy theories. Some have suggested foul play due to her involvement in the cryptocurrency industry, while others speculate that her knowledge of the Mt. Gox scandal may have made her a target. Regardless of the cause, her death highlights the importance of mental health and the need for increased regulation and transparency in the cryptocurrency industry.

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